Team Cheryle


Time for Coffee

It has been a while since I have put words to print. I am currently enjoying a fantastic cup of coffee. The mug I am using is handmade, has beautiful brown and natural green tones, and has the perfect size handle. I always have the best cup of coffee with this mug.

Over the past year, life has been full of ups and downs, just as every year is for me. The past seven years have been some of the most challenging years of my life. Each time I am knocked down, I somehow find the strength to stand back up. I find the courage to fight another day. I have wanted to give up many times. I realize that in many ways, I have given up. I am looking for ways to move forward, yet things still hold me back. I feel like I have a rope wrapped around one ankle and one wrist. I am constantly being forced to fight handicapped people with all four limbs.

What does this have to do with my cup of coffee, you ask? Drinking from one of my favorite mugs, I know that the beautiful hot, light brown liquid inside is safe.

The past three years have been hard for our little family. Losing Steves parents so close together, then losing my grandmother tore what was left of our heart to shreds.

I have done what I can to push forward and find the light in the dark. I have noticed the darkness creeping back and taking over the morning for several months. The last time the night took over, I lost more than I could ever know. I am lucky enough to have some pretty amazing friends that have not only stood at my side, recognizing the darkness creeping over me. I also have Steve at my side, this time reminding me to take my medication every day.

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