Team Cheryle


Author: Cheryle Holmes

The Society of Collegiate Leadership and Achievement

Hello Team… Final grades posted: B+ and A! Woot woot.   For my high GPA and academic achievement, I have been invited to join: The Society of Collegiate Leadership and Achievement. It is a multidisciplinary Honor society. I accepted!   When the path we are on is blocked off, a new route must be taken. […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   What an exciting year it has been. I finish putting wrapping and bows on the presents under the tree, making sure that I leave enough room for Santa. I checked googles’ Santa tracker and NORAD. I normally go with NORAD, I am just saying that they need to […]

One final curtain call

Looking at a portion of my past that brought me so much joy. During the weekends from the end of August to the middle of October, you can find me at the Maryland Renaissance Festival most of the time. Dressed in my garb, walking grounds, with a mug of drink in my hand, a smile […]

Life on the Island..

I have been living on an Island for the past 2 weeks. Everything that I possibly could need is within arms reach of my Island. Computers, to notebooks, pens, and textbooks all within arms reach of my Island. The times that I travel from my Island I am never alone. I get an escort to […]

Rebuilding my life one section at a time

 Education:      As you know, I am a full-time student at American Public University. I am in the BS Public Health program. I am taking two classes every eight weeks. That translates into working 35-50 hours per week on my studies. I have completed four courses, and my current GPA is 3.9. One of […]

Hard days do not always make you stronger

I wonder if I keep saying it, one day it will come true…   “It will be worth it one day”  

Depression how deep did it go…

Over the last few days, I have been Looking over my “on this day…” on my Facebook feed. I am reminded of this time last year when I was at the start of my deep depression. I held the smiling mask for months over my tear streaked face, so the world world did not see. […]

How are really feel about it

Life is a competition, yet I am not interested in Competing with anyone. I am running my own marathon. I am not running against anyone but time. I am not interested in being better than anyone else. I am honest, strait forward, and put others before myself. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and […]


This morning as I wake early to work on an assignment for school. I as normal had some issues staying focused. I was gonna take my ADD meds but . . . I have to sleep today so I can work tonight. This could be a problem. If I don’t take my meds I may never be […]

Im not a nursing student for the first time…

For the first time since I decided to go back to school in 2010, I am not a nursing student. I am a full-time college student, I am not a nursing student. I am looking at the world from a new window, I am not a nursing student. I don’t really know how to react […]

Look who’s 40

The other side of the hill, is not that bad of a place to be. On June 24th I turned 40. In the short time that I have been 40, I have learned a few things. 1. I am sick to death of pleasing other people. I have spend my whole life being a people […]

Fathers Day letter to my Dad:

  Dear Dad, Since today is Fathers Day, I wanted to write you this letter, for it contains my Fathers Day gift to you. I was born on June 24, 1977, and you got the most precious gift of all, me. A beautiful, baby girl with brown eyes and little wisps of hair on top […]

April has been full of great happenings…

Hello TEAM!!! Happy April to you all… So far the month has been filled with great and exciting things happing for the Holmes family… Steve turned 40 on the 21st! We had a wonderful celebration over the weekend. We got 1/2 bushel of beautiful blue swimmers, that were steamed to a beautiful red color then […]


Hello! It’s a fantastic Wednesday! The sun is shining, the air is warm. I am able to spend some time with steve before my crazy work week starts. My positive thought for today: “keep swimming, no matter how rough the water is…you will make it to land” What is your positive thought of the day?

Helping to make an ever-after..

I have been holding on to an announcement for a while, but I am officially announcing:  I am available to help you and your special person start your life together. 

fight another day…

I have often said “the one thing that I want people to say about me, is ‘because of her, I did not give up’” The past few months I have wanted to give up each step of the way. I have spent hours, thinking about what I am going to do with my future. I have […]

Heart broken all over again….

I just got the call I wanted more than anything…the call that I waited months for. I got a call to interview for a New Graduate position, on the observation unit at the very hospital that I work for. It was one of my top 3 positions I wanted more than anything. I guess with […]

3 days…

When the world feels upside down, you can only hope that it is temporary. My world has been upside down for the past 8 weeks, but that is not really true. That is a lie. My world has been upside down for the past several years. I have been waiting for the glasses to be […]

I let you down

“I am sorry that I let you down. I am sorry that I did not do what you wanted me to do. I am sorry that I failed you.” This is how I feel, how am I supposed to keep moving forward. I will find a way somehow…

Happy March…

Welcome Back with a New look! It has been a long few months. My page has been under construction and today the team worked very hard and got me back up and running. Big Thank You!! Chris and Lisa, you’re both amazing. I have been doing a lot of searching the past few weeks. I […]
