Team Cheryle


Month: April 2016

Welcome Home

Today was my first day back to work. I can say I was nervous and a bit scared… But from the moment that I walked through the doors the smiling faces, sense of family and the feeling of being “home again” filled my heart and soul.  The amazing people that I work with who are […]

Back to the grind…

Excited and nervous….today is my first day back to work since the accident.  To say that I am excited to say I am taking the next major step in my recovery. I am extremely thankful to be able to return to work at all.  To say that I am nervous? Yes, I admit I am a […]


  It’s been a while since we have spoken. It’s been a while since we have seen each others face. The days have been long The nights have been longer I have been filled with pain, sorrow, and despair. I did not think that I would ever see the sun again. Today, the sun rose […]

Small WIN!!

I am so very excited!!! The entire time that I have been off work I have received no income. I was told that due to a state of Maryland clause, I was not eligible to receive short term disability payments. We have been living off of the generous donations from others.  I found out that […]

view from the rear view mirror

   Imagine you are sitting in the drivers seat of your car. The feel of the seat under your legs. Your feet resting on the floor. Your right foot is hovering over the gas pedal. You are thinking about 20 different things…work, should you get a coffee now or when you arrive? does your shirt […]

I’m not the same person that I was before…

I have realized that I am not the same person that I was on January 29, 2016.  A part of me died on January 30, 2016 on the side of the road.  I don’t know if it’s a bad thing or a good thing…but I can tell you that I am different.  Please be patient […]


I am angry at the people who did this I am angry at those who kept you in the game I am angry at the ones who did not tell I am angry at the friends who sat back and said “Not my business” I am angry because our life was changed forever I am […]

I will because I know I have too…I’m just scared.

FEAR Simple Definition of fear : to be afraid of (something or someone) : to expect or worry about (something bad or unpleasant) : to be afraid and worried Fear is a funny emotion. It can make your heart race. It can make your palms sweat. . Fear can paralyze you. Fear really is an irrational emotion. Just thinking […]

Hard night in DE

It’s been a hard night here in DE.  One day this whole experience will be a memory.  One day I will look back and not remember the pain.  One day I will be able to say “I remember when…” As the swelling goes down, the pain fades, and the scars fade… Until all of those […]

Not so good days post-surgery

My first two post op days where great! Decrease pain, swelling…day 3 not so good. Swelling and pressure back in my knee.  I look down and see my leg.  I try to roll over at night and feel the pain in my knee. I look down and see my leg.  I just want to back […]

Post Surgery

  I’ll post updates tomorrow….  All went great! AAMC- Nurses Rock!! 

Surgery day

Hi team!  I got the call with my surgery time. It’s 3:45 pm EST on April 6, 2016.  “Things will work out” To say that I am nervous, is an understatement. In the past for all but one other surgery that I have had the decision was my choice. I have been able to say […]

PTSD…how it really feels

Sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who feels this way. Sometimes I feel like I will never smile again…. Then I do.  Today has been a rough day. The smile that I have been holding on too has started to slip again. I am trying to hold it up […]

Dates with my husband are not a joke

Hello Team: Tonight I am going to tell you something that happened to me.  Let me take you back just a bit. I am going to take you back to February 2015. Steve was discharged from the hospital and went to live with my mom to recover from his illness. I finished the first half […]

Today my cup was filled

Today my cup was filled Every day I fill my cup up with a little mix of the following: Friendship                                      Love Laughter Strength Hope     Faith   Since the accident 9 weeks ago my cup has […]

Planner Madness or Planner Happiness?

Hello Team: For the past almost 9 weeks I have been updating you on my accident, PT, and things that are going on in my life. One of the things that I have been working on is getting my planners set up for the upcoming year. Those of you that know me well, know that […]
