Team Cheryle


Recent Posts

Many faces of Mental Health

M.D.D. Major Depressive Disorder One of my outlets has become writing this blog. I have to thank my brother, who got me started with it and told me to tell my story. Today is not about me. Cheryle Holmes I find this webpage, is such a great resource. I will put the link right […]

Power of the SUN

I know that now I am on the upswing, coming out of the dark and moving to the lighter side. I am not dying, nor was I going to make any choice that would make me unalive myself. Do not misinterpret the meaning. I am simply coming out of the dark, dangerous place I have […]

SAD and Sunshine

I knew that today was going to be a warm 70 degrees. After a few things this morning, I decided to go outside and enjoy some of the sunshine. I woke up in long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. I decided to put on my shorts and a tee-shirt to enjoy the sun. It was too […]

SAD and Daylight Savings

I love the fall and winter months for the cooler weather. Jeans, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts if you know me, you know that I love a good hoodie. The end of October brings Halloween, more importantly, Samhain. If you are unsure, Samhain is the end of summer. For the Celtics, it marks the beginning of […]

Yarn Ball

Sometimes I feel like life is nothing but a neatly rolled ball of yarn. Some people can keep their ball wound neat and tight. Others, yarn balls, can be unwound filled with knots, loops, and bits of lint. While others who find their yarn ball unwound and all over can rewind it up into a […]

Peter Pan

Second star to the right and straight on to morning I met Peter Pan when I was in middle school. I never thought a friendship would become more than a shared lunch table. I never imagined that our friendship would grow into something I would cherish forever. We would spend hours on the phone at […]

Monsters and Fear

As children, we had monsters that lived under the bed—crying to our parents to spray monster spray and checking closets before going to bed—even going as far as sleeping with nightlights or flashlights. As children grow into adults, we learn that monsters are not real. The monsters change from being an imaginary fear to something […]

Midnight Coffee and Cake

Often I find myself sleeping during the early hours of the evening, then I am up in the middle of the night. The average person would find this odd, not me. I have always been more nocturnal than the average person. I would generally blame this on working nightshift; I believe it is just my […]

Time for Coffee

It has been a while since I have put words to print. I am currently enjoying a fantastic cup of coffee. The mug I am using is handmade, has beautiful brown and natural green tones, and has the perfect size handle. I always have the best cup of coffee with this mug. Over the past […]

Cup of coffee for two Johns Hopkins Medicine How do you say goodbye? How do you say goodbye to someone who has been in your life since the day you were born. How do you say goodbye to the teacher and confidant woman? How do you say goodbye to the one you call when you have a broken heart, […]

Did I see you today?

To my friend, I came across this writing that I did not long after you left us. So many years have passed since I wrote the words. Your children were so young and have grown into adults who have families of their own. Just like a ticking clock, time continues to move forward. As time […]

Finding a way out of the darkness

I have talked about the darkness. I have talked about what it is like to be in the darkness. Now I would like to talk about what it is like to find your way out of the darkness into the light.

Going home.

I can not talk about the problems of light vs dark without discussing the pain of loss. I have been in very dark places before and I felt hopelessness, yet I found hope again. I have suffered a broken heart, yet that mended. I felt the empty feeling of abandonment, yet I found I was […]

Light vs Dark

Light vs Dark Part 1 I would like my readers to understand that this series may be hard for you to read, as it is hard for me to write. I have opened up about my life before, and have shared very private things with all of you. I have decided that this topic is […]

Helping Hands Caring Hearts -Lewis Family Fundraiser

Women and Children’s proudly present:  Helping Hands Caring Hearts t-shirt fundraiser for Jessica Lewis. Please help support Jessica Lewis and her family by purchasing this limited edition Helping Hands Caring Hearts purple t-shirt. All profits will go to Jessica and her family. Short Sleeve: $20.00   Long Sleeve: $20.00   Sizes: S-3XL CASH ONLY to be accepted ALL orders […]

Adventures in Pickling

Good Morning Team! Adventures in Pickling Pickled Onions After having picked onions for the first time, and lets be honest I fell in love with them. I decided I was going to try and make them. After a quick internet search for “how to make pickled onions”. I found a few simple recipes and picked one. […]

Morning Coffee

Good Morning Well, now that I am halfway through my 2nd hot cup of roasted beans and water I can say, ‘Good Morning’.  

One day at a time…

TeamCheryle is getting a facelift! The look will be a little different but it will still have everything you love reading about, me and my life. Please let me know what you think about the new look. School is going great, I am loving my new classes that I am currently taking. After so many […]

New perspective…

I have been working on updating my page, and I realized when I looked under About me… I had some changes to make. At the time I was merely introducing myself and letting my readers learn a bit about me. That is when I realized one significant difference I needed to make. I have removed […]

Snow…Snow and more snow

Hello Team, Checking in with everyone since the deep freeze hit the east coast hard! Snow, freezing rain, freezing fog and flooding…when does spring start? Normally I am a fall /winter girl, but this has been crazy cold. I am about 9 weeks postoperative from my ankle. My recovery has been slow but good.  I […]
